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John Rossi – In Memoriam – 1939-2024

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Field Representative: Pat Winslow

Pat Winslow

Field Representative

Railroading Experience

I was hired on with Union Pacific Railroad in May 1975 in the maintenance of way. In June of 1976, I transferred to transportation where I worked for 41 years. 

I was elected as an assistant legislative representative in 1985. I held that office until 1992 when I was bought out and re-hired in Ogden Utah. In Ogden, I split my service between yard and road service, working yard while my children were young.

I served as legislative rep in Ogden and eventually Assistant State Director. I was simultaneously Local Chairman for 25 years. During my tenure, I investigated two fatalities in two separate incidences, an experience I would not wish on anyone.

Investigatory Experience with Rossi Vucinovich

In 2013, I was fired from my job with Union Pacific for forcing the railroad to comply with federal laws regarding the operation of remote-control locomotives over unprotected public crossings. 

I hired the Rossi Vucinovich law firm to represent me in a whistle-blower suit in Federal Court. After three days of humiliating the railroad at trial, the railway company settled and I went back to work. 

I joined the Rossi Vucinovich law firm in March of 2020 because of my intense passion and dedication for my rail brothers and sisters. 

I look forward to speaking to you on any issue.

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